I really don’t have anything compelling to say today. I have plenty of drafts started and things I want to say and write about, but am currently lacking the time and energy to see them to completion. It’s been a tiring couple of weeks, with Caleb waking up between 5 and 6:30 in his crib since last week, then coming back to our room to sleep a bit more. It’s no big deal, but I’m tired because I’m finding it hard to fall back asleep before having to get up and ready for work.
My second nephew was born in the early hours of the morning today. His name is Lucas James, and he marks the third little fella in our family! These boys will have a lot of fun together in a few years. I keep picturing Caleb and his two boy cousins running around at family functions and having a blast. I’m hoping to go meet him later today, or maybe tomorrow if his parents aren’t quite up to visitors yet.
There are a couple of other things that have been consuming my mind lately and they are: weight and finances. My weight is going down, our debt is going down, and I am feeling good and positive about both.
We’ve been dreaming of a major kitchen overhaul since moving into our home and we’re trying to make that a reality. I am NOT a fan of credit cards, but we did use one a teeny bit towards the end of my maternity leave. We also have a small Lowe’s balance from when we had to get a new refrigerator last year. I am focusing big time on getting those paid off in the next couple of months so that we can then pursue a kitchen remodel. I refuse to do it until we get those debts paid off plus Jerry’s car which will be paid off in July. After these debts are gone, I’ll feel more comfortable financing a new kitchen.
We have the “usual” debts that people have: a mortgage, student loans, and auto loans (mine will be the only one left after July when Jerry’s is paid for!), but I hate the thought of debt at all. I’ve just started reading some of Dave Ramsey’s work about becoming debt-free, but it’s not completely feasible for us. We simply don’t make enough to pay off the student loans and mortgage in full, but I am focusing in on our smaller loans by using his “snowball effect” of paying small debts first.
So. Our debt is goin’ down. Little by little, but we’re making progress.
My weight, too, has been going down. That’s also been slow and steady, but I’m seeing progress and that’s what matters. So far, I’ve lost 28.2 pounds of the 70 I gained during pregnancy. Honestly, it’s probably going to be another year before I’m back to where I started, but I’m working hard at it and seeing progress. It’s crazy to think I’ve been in weight loss mode for over three years now (since January 2012), with the only break being during my pregnancy.
It’s a lifelong battle; I’ve been learning that all along and I’ll just keep on keeping on.